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Online Engagement Intern, Solutions Journalism Network

As the Online Engagement Intern, my work included producing social media visuals and copy, analyze data performance across platforms and test new ways to engage with our network.

I launched the Snack Table, a Twitter-based email newsletter for the network. This was started because I wanted to find better ways to engage with our network and lure in more people to the world of solutions journalism by creating a Revue newsletter that's easily integrated into SJN's biggest social media platform, Twitter. In a week, we've accumulated almost 60 subscribers.

Journalist, NYCity News Service

Journalist, Mott Haven Herald and Hunts Point Express

Contributing Writer, MISSING THEM by The City

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Plateroom Operator, Albany Times Union

As a Plateroom Operator at the Albany Times Union, or I could be known as Associate Printer, I mostly check and proof incoming pages for numerous newspapers from the Capital Region, and even some bigger newspapers around the United States. I then print plates of pages that will be used to print newspapers by the pressman. I'm also in charge of paginating pages for the obituaries, classified and recruitment pages of the Times Union. Below are some of the pages I've paginated myself for the Times Union.

Web Intern

As a web intern under the Department of English, I was assigned to interview staff and students from the department while also create flyers for department events. I was also in charge of updating the Facebook page and website for events that goes around the department.

Skylar Blankenship on Juggling School with Work and Life as a Transfer & Commuter Student

Laura Tetreault on Her Journey as an Educator, Writer, Scholar

Sarah Di Carluccio: Life under the B.A./M.A. Program

Aashish Kaul and His Long Journey to Become a Writer



How James Lilley Has Come Full Circle for His Love for English

Fall '19 events: 


Skylar Blankenship




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Sarah Di Carluccio





Public Relations Chair

As the Public Relations Chair for a new society at the university, I was determined to reach out as many students as possible who are interested in the world of journalism by being active on one of the most used social media apps today: Instagram and Twitter. While being active, I also strive to make the most attractive and interactive flyers to get people's attention. I was also able to start up our official website by Spring 2020.

Her Campus Albany

"My Halloween Movie Picks"

"It's Not Feminism Without Intersectionality"

"Small Steps You Can Take to Be More Sustainable"

Albany Student Press

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