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As a student at the University at Albany and the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, I've done many projects from class that helped me improve my multimedia skills to better prepare myself in the field.


AJRL340 Global Perspectives on the News:
Film Project

AJRL324 Introduction to Documentary Studies:
Final Project

One of our projects in class was to make a short documentary on an immigrant, and my group and I chose to do it on a Dominican lady who works at one of the food halls at the university. This was my first ever short documentary that I've ever made and my professor praised it for the shots and the use of B-roll for the final video. We got an A for this project.

Direction and most of the cinematography was all by me. Edited with iMovie by me.

For my final project, we are assigned to make a short film/video on any topic. I chose to do something that I'm interested in which is about international students. I myself as an international student went through a phenomenon called "culture shock," and considering almost everyone in the class were domestic students, I wanted to open their eyes about what people like me have to go through/or went through in the U.S. I got an A for this project while also getting an A for the whole class.

Produced and edited by me, edited with iMovie.

AJRL490Z Digital Publication: Film Exercise

We had an exercise to use all of Professor Palmer's work to make our own short video on moulage artists.

Edited with Final Cut Pro X by me.

JOUR71004 Video Fundamentals: 5 x 5

An exercise where we practiced making a scene in different angles.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR71004 Video Fundamentals: Long Sequence

An assignment where we produced a longer scene with multiple shots.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR71004 Video Fundamentals: News Value

In our final assignment, we had picked a story with news value to be aired in TV.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR71004 Video Fundamentals: Social Video

An assignment where we produced a social video from one of our previous works.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR73252 Social Video: Short video with Text

An exercise where we practiced making short videos but this time to play around with text.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR73252 Social Video: The Dynamite of Hunts Point

I made a short video for a series for the Mott Haven Herald and Hunts Point Express' Humans of Mott Haven/Neighborhood Voices section.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR73252 Social Video: 5x5

An exercise where we practiced making a scene with different angles in under 25 seconds.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR73252 Social Video: Ramona Ferreyra: Serving the South Bronx

I made a short video for the Mott Haven Herald and Hunts Point Express' Humans of Mott Haven/Neighborhood Voices section.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.

JOUR73252 Social Video: THE POINT of Hunts Point

I made a short video for the Mott Haven Herald and Hunts Point Express' Humans of Mott Haven/Neighborhood Voices section.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro by me.



AJRL324 Introduction to Documentary Studies: Photo Assignments

We practice our photography through many assignments my professor assigns us. To name a few, she made us meet random strangers and do a photography assignment that's based on "Humans of New York" and an assignment on rephotography. Some of these photos were also a part of my final project for the same class.

All photos were taken with my Nikon DSLR. Work edited through Adobe Photoshop.

JOUR75003 Reporting for Engagement Journalism: Reporting on my community

Since Fall '21 I've been serving the Two Bridges neighborhood in the Lower East Side which are facing indirect displacement and gentrification. Below are some pictures I've taken at their latest protest against the developers that are working to build 4 megatowers at the waterfront.

All photos were taken with my iPhone 11.

GIFs + Animations

GIFs & Animations

JOUR76007 GIFs & Animations for News: Projects & exercises

For this 1 credit course, every week we workshop and create GIFs through many platforms, but mostly with Photoshop. Below are some of the work I've done in class.

Produced and edited with Premiere Pro & Photoshop by me. Sources of content are either owned by me or copyright free.



JOUR71104 Audio Journalism: Projects

All audio work is edited through AVID ProTools, all recorded with an iPhone 11.

00:00 / 01:02

Audio Wrap Assignment

00:00 / 00:58

Vox Pop

00:00 / 03:12

Short Feature



JOUR71105 Fundamentals of Data Journalism: Data Projects

Live site can be found here

Live site can be found here



AJRL392 Digital Media Workshop: Desk-top Publishing
Design Projects

We constantly design typical front pages of tabloids and newspapers in this class and I managed to get full marks most of the time. We also practice a lot on photo editing and make banners out of it.

All work is done through Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Pictures were given by Professor Thomas Palmer.

AJRL490Z Digital Publication: Website Designs

We practice website-making from replicating existing websites to making websites around a story of our choosing. Below you can view a number of website I've created throughout this course.

All websites were made through Wix.

Website exercise: 

We were assigned to replicate an existing website for desktop so I chose a makeup/skincare's website, Glossier. You can look at the live website here

Midterm website:

For our midterm, we were assigned to design our very own website (both desktop and mobile versions) revolving around a news article of our choosing. You can look at the live website here

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